sorry for the grainy photos, it was just before sunrise when I took these - the camera was working OT!
Alright, so we’ve gotten back into the swing of making blogging a priority, so let’s create a plan to get me to my goals! You may ask “well, what are your goals Chanda?” I’ve thought long and hard about this and I want to be very clear and concise as to what I plan on using my time toward here and on my other socials. I’ve told the story a million times around of how I don’t plan on becoming an "influencer" - I’ve been down that road before! I want to share the things I love as organically as possible! If this means telling folks NO, then so be it! I don’t want this to come off as me being rude, but things will be done the way that I want this time around!
On with the plan! Like I mentioned last week, I still have some housekeeping to do across all of my networks. Actually putting this down in writing will hold me accountable to complete these items. I use the excuse that I'm busy - well, I am! But that simply cannot be my excuse anymore if I want to develop a schedule that comes natural! So, let's go!
- creating a social media planner
- This should be quite easy as I love stationary and planning - making plans pretty make me happy!
- creating a creation schedule
- Once the planner is ready, I would like to carve out the time that I use for content creation. This (I believe) would set me up for success the most as I would know what time to plan content and what time to be with my family and do all of the other millions of things!
- take more stock photos
- I am a creature of not having photos to use in my back pocket. I want more photos other than what I shoot weekly to use for any or no particular reason
- plan what I am going to talk about
- Eventually, I want to get Youtube back in the mix of things, but I truly enjoy writing when I post my blogs - great photos (not today y'all, give me grace!) and even better conversation is key!
- updating my About page and fine tooth combing through all other pages to make sure they are up to date
- work on my blog domain name
- The update to will make things look a bit more professional
- testing all links
- I don't know how far back I am going to go with this, but right now the links are borderline hot mess express *facepalm*
- figure out my blog, IG and TikTok style/theme
- This one is tricky since I like different looks for each platform. I have to figure out how to join them all together and have a consistent them amongst theme all
- learn what's HOT on these socials
- It seems like reels are the thing for IG right now and *muah* editing for TikTok - I want to hone in on it all and create some bomb ass content like I used to! And I have a teenager who will be put to great use with this :)
- creating a page to link all socials to each social
- Does this even make sense? Because it does in my head!
I have more on the list, but this is a great start! I can't wait to update y'all on how things are going and if you have any good tips/tricks, please let me know about them! I hope to bring y'all some WAY better pics next week - but until then, be safe, peace and love!
- C