Soooo, what's been up? I am not even going to ask the question "can we believe it's been so and so amount of time since I've posted?" because we CLEARLY know what the answer to that question is! Do I have reasons - of course I do! Am I going to bore you with those reasons? Nah, not this time! Let's just act like we've all been on vacation for a while and we are just getting around to catching up! We all know the love for photography and blogging that I have, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I cannot let this medium go. I don't care how many months or years pass since the last post, this is my safe space where writing out my thoughts gives me peace!
So, CHEERS to 2023!
- had 2 episodes of Covid (first time I won, second time I absolutely lost)
- changed roles at my job (for mental health reasons for sure!)
- purchased a new car (due to this young kid wrecking my other one)
- moved to a bigger place and a different city (city not too far from the last)
- found out I am prone to clotting and a few other health scares - so much fun getting old!
The fit - this one was a Christmas gift from Ish (the hubby). I tend to shop on the more frugal side of things when it comes to clothing. Him, not so much! Right now, these pieces seem to be cheaper than what he got them for, so imagine to the almost fit I had when I realized how much they'd cost! Don't get me wrong, I really love this set - very well constructed and I know that I will get "his" money's worth. It's just the initial justification for me! I will spend some money on shoes and accessories, but clothing - not so much!