Whew Chile INDEED!  This week the little one has been all over the place! Between basketball practice and games to volleyball practice and gearing up for first tourney this weekend to mid terms for her - hell, I'm tired!  I can only imagine how she is feeling :( she's a trooper though!  She will definitely let me know when she's hit a wall and need a break and I will be there for her!  I say all that to say - this is why this post is a little later this week (but we still showed up y'all)!

Today's post is a little haul of some sunnies that I purchased from Shein.  I recently placed an order with them because I needed a few new pieces that I will start styling and shooting, but I needed some new ones to replace my beloved sunglasses that I lost somehow (pictured below).  I figured, let's make this a full on haul of items that I can show up and show out with!

I think these shades (1st photo and below) are tied for my fave pair with another.  I certainly have a type when it comes to any kind of glasses because I cant find a pair that look great in. So let's play dress up with them - they are fun and fairly inexpensive, so why not?

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

sunnies HERE

Let me know which pair you like!  
I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!  Until next time, be safe, peace and love!