HEYYYY! 👋🏾 So, yeah, last week....that was an unexpected week off from blogging.  The weather was so treacherous to say the least, so hopefully y'all can give me a pass! 🙏🏾 I was able to get out this weekend and get 2 of the 4 shots done that I had planned.  I swear laziness got the best of me this weekend, for real but I have to get better because it's getting darker a lot sooner and colder by the day!

top + bag [talon]: justfab || jeans [old]: shop500boutique || boots [breanne]: shoedazzle || hat: f21

This outfit makes me think of hanging out with the girls during the day or hanging at the fair (yes, I would be that one at the fair in heels LOL).  Its so chill, not conforming and did I mention that not one hair was combed in the making of this post!  I absolutely LIVE in hats whenever possible!!  If I could wear them at work, I totally would!

Continuing on with my shiny shoe obsession, these are the latest to enter into my collection.  These are Breanne from ShoeDazzle and I couldn't be more in love!  The only thing that I would have to gripe about is that they have the big ankle gap.  I know that we are in the 90's phase with the sock booties and I wish that these fit a little more snug more around my ankle!  I don't know how these and skinnies will be but I will let y'all know when I try it.


linking up with these beauties this week!