Alright, let's wrap up this week with these GAWJUS™ boots!  I'm gonna keeping reiterating my fascination with all things shiny, and that includes sparkles too!  Of course when I saw these, I owned them in my mind! I actually upon first glance thought that these would be more of a heather grey, even though the color description says silver.  Nonetheless, I am infatuated with these and I can't wait to style them!

These beauties came from JustFab and they are named Freya.  They come in black also and I did ponder whether or not I should get those too since I love how they fit.  Honestly, the black ones look plain up against these babies!  I had to give these a night shoot because 1, it's been raining/gloomy as heck and 2, I don't believe that I would've been able to pick up the sparkle that these ladies throw out in daylight.  We needed to do them against brilliant lighting to showcase this shine!

I managed to get some video footage done, even though the weather was extremely crappy the 2 days  that I went out to shoot.  That's MI for you!  Check out the action shots below and let me know what you think!  Also, if you've missed anything this week, the refreshers are below AND if you want these beauties, they are at JustFab! Grab em quick! 

Thanks for riding with me this week and see you Monday with a new linkup!
linking up with these beauties this week!