Well, well, well! What do we have here? Chanda posting? Why, YES! 💕 I know it's been a minute and honestly, I feel like my last few posts have been me apologizing for not being consistent but I think I needed this time off! Some don't realize the amount of time put into an outlet such as a blog, and truth be told, it can be draining! Especially when the creative side of your brain is conflicting with everything that you have going on. I can't say that I will be as consistent as before, but I will most certainly not let 6 ENTIRE months go by without saying hello!

top: ami clubwear || short + shoes + scarf: old || glasses: justfab
I still feel as if I have some conflicting emotions about blogging right now. I actually sat down and had a talk with myself (I probably did answer back, so that makes me crazy, I'm sure) and came to the realization that this happens to me EVERY single year in the summer. I have to fix this because this is my favorite season out of all and for me to neglect any form of creativity during this time seems strange.
A little about this fit. I am ABSOLUTELY in love with this whimsical top from AMI Clubwear! I thought it would be difficult to wear at first (raise arms, etc) but it's really comfortable. My intent was to pair this with some skinnies, but it was WARRRRMMMM when I shot these, so any form of pants were a NO for me! Grabbed a pair of shorts from the stash (which I rarely wear shorts), put these cute little brown booties and minimal jewelry and I'm good to go!
SO, goal for the Fall is to knock this blogging thing out of the park! I mean what woman doesn't love Fall fashion even though it means the end of Summer? Happy Monday Loves! 💙 Let me know down below how your Summer has been? See you in the next post!
linking up with these beauties!