Happy Spring everyone (I see the confusion on your faces)!  Well, at least it's felt like it in Michigan the last few days and I am NOT complaining!  These rays of sunshine are needed after it being so dreaded for forever it seems.  I was in such a great mood last week, that I had to start this one with these pretty pink hues paired with gold and pewter accents.  2016 was more horrible a year than good, and for a lot of us.  Still, I try to remain humble and hopeful and I feel like that dreaded cloud is slowly starting to lift from over our heads, at least in my household.  So that, plus warmth, equals a happy gal in me!

top [old]: lovely wholesale || top [plaid]: xmas gift || jeans + bag [talon] + booties: justfab
watch: jord wood watches || earring + bracelet: old || lippie: nyx "aria"

It seems as if I have been going through a lot of life changes over the last few years.  In 2014, took a year off from work, August 2015, getting really sick and recovering and November 2015, started back in the work force.  The last 3 months almost has been a whirlwind in my household and I won't get into it since it affects my hubby more than it affects me.  Just know it's been pretty rough and I hate to see him in such position.  I just ask for your prayers to help us get through this annoying hurdle.
On a lighter note, I "commissioned" Caryss again, for these photos and I believe she did an awesome job!  Her passion for photography is growing and I still can't believe the amount of interest she's shown in the hobby.  I have a Canon T2i that I am going to let her have and we shall see how far she goes with this.  Who knows, her work maybe featured on big platforms other than my little ol' blog.

Another spot of good news is that I've gotten a new job and as you are reading this on 2/20, I am in my first day of orientation.  There were a lot of factors that led up to me needing a new job.  I will still work with Moosejaw about once a month, on a Saturday or Sunday, but I am really excited to travel this new and hopefully last job path and plant roots with this company!  I'll go more into detail once I am in the door good.
 Happy Monday Loves I hope that you are all having as great of weather as we are.

linking up with these beauties!