This outfit reminds me so much of a spring day! The sun Gods were in my favor the day I shot these! So pretty out! Anywho, how much do you L♥VE this skirt? I entered in a contest that Raliat of Rally D Fashion Fanatic held and I was lucky enough to be one of her winners! I jumped to the sky because I really admire watching her grow as a seamstress! I remember her posting her first outfit and now look at her!
I've totally been into full midi skirts for the last couple years, for all seasons! Midis are so fun to dress up or down! This one I wouldn't dress down because the pattern calls for a more formal tone. I own few though and I've worn sneaks or Vans with them with no problem! I totally have my eye on this one [can't find thie link :(] from House of Chic LA (grey is my favorite color)!
denim top: lovely wholesale // skirt: Rally D Fashion Fanatic // shoes [old]: justfab
linking up with Trend Spin Linkup
How do you wear your midi skirts? Or are you even a fan? I am, and will continue to have an everlasting love with them just off versatility alone! And they are so freaking cute! :) Make sure you guys check out Raliat's blog to watch her continue to blossom with her sewing skills and for outfit inspiration!