Bobs are the best go to style ever (well, besides long weaves lol)! Over the last few years, I've grown to have a great relationship with this hairstyle. From the infamous red one to ones I created to this one! This is a full lace wig from RPG Show. I would have to say that this is up there in my faves list from this company! Easy to style, manipulate and care for and looks so realistic!
RPG Show has really stepped their game up over the years! I remember the first unit I received from them and the quality and attention to detail has really changed for the better. I applaud them for listening to their customers and keeping with the latest trends!
hair info
stock full lace human hair wig - nb008-s
hair length - 8"
hair color - #2
hair texture - silky (even though it feels more like my texture)
lace color - medium browm
cap construction - cap 3
cape size - size 2
If you ladies and gents are interested, check out RPG Show! You can enter "SUMMER30" at checkout for $30 off of their bob collection until April 20th! I would say that they have some of the best units around. Let me know what you guys think!! :) ♥