Happy Monday everyone! Today, I am bringing back the link up to the blog! Pretty exciting for me because I love seeing all of your posts, whether it be from linking up with me or me linking to other blogs! I decided to have a nod to a few past linkup posts to celebrate the return, so get ready to go down memory lane and also link up your latest and greatest below - I would love to see what's been going on!
This statement has NEVER been truer! I know I'm guilty of showing up somewhere with the sheer intent of just showing off my outfit! House of Rehab got it all the right with this tee AND has brought back my love for slogan tees! For a while, I thought that I was getting too... READ MORE HERE at WHAT I'M HERE TO DO!
HEYYYY! 👋🏾 So, yeah, last week....that was an unexpected week off from blogging. The weather was so treacherous, to say the least, so hopefully y'all can give me a pass! 🙏🏾 I was able to get out this weekend and... READ MORE HERE at AROUND THE WAY!
I thought I was going to miss these beautiful blooms since they only last a good week or two. Everyone, especially in the blogosphere, should be aware of these gorgeous Apple Blossom trees every Spring. They are just drop dead beautiful, but the sad this is that the blooms are short-lived, especially when there's... READ MORE HERE at APPLE BLOSSOM!
You know how you get too lazy to find an appropriate backdrop for a certain post, so you go with the one you found earlier this year? Yeah, this is that post! When I was styling this, I had every intention of finding a location that would bring out that Spanish flare that I was looking for. But Mother Nature drained the absolute life outta me and... READ MORE HERE at FIESTA, FIESTA!
...Well, not really crazy, but you know! I knew the moment I opened the package for this dress that I would do a nod to Beyonce's "Hold Up". Now, of course, my dress doesn't compare to her Roberto Cavalli dress but I couldn't resist this gorgeous yellow. :) Now, the color of this dress mirrored how... READ MORE at I'D RATHER BE CRAZY...!
Now it's time to link up for this week! Come on and share what you've been up to!!
linking up with these beauties this week!