...At least I believe this is the Amaryllis flower that's gracing this beautiful jumper today! 🌸 I have so much to talk about, but I don't want to be all over the place in this post! So I guess we will talk about how beautiful of a weekend it was! My daughter graduated from 5th grade on Friday and she couldn't have been more excited! It was more bittersweet for me because this occasion is just solidifying that our babies are growing up. It was a cute little ceremony and afterward, they served cake and gave out all of their awards.
heels + gravel = no bueno!


jumpsuit + shoes (old): justfab || necklace (old): sassy jones boutique

On Saturday, we woke up early and went to see Incredibles 2 and it was AH-MA-ZING! It hinted at the fact that there could be a part 3, but I'm PRAYING that they don't make us wait 14 years for the next installment! I was a little afraid that it was going to be like the 1st one, but it wasn't AND I think I was more hype than the kids to go see it! After that, we went to my nephews 13th birthday party at Dave and Buster's in Livonia. It's crazy that all of the little ones around me are growing up so fast. The kids all enjoyed themselves (the parents did too). Once done, we were all pretty pooped, so we went home and called it a night!

Sunday was pretty chill. I had plans on getting out and quick shooting 3 outfits but the way the heat index was set up... by the time I actually got up and ready for this one, it was already 90+, so I said "Mmmm, maybe not" and just did these. After the shoot, I took the kiddos to see the new location for my job. We are transitioning into our fresh, new home and it's absolutely beautiful! I've been between both locations for the last week, but once my team officially moved in, I didn't get a chance to take them to see it then. They fell in love with all of our new amenties, and I can't blame them - I work for a great company! (post about this later - I realize I never updated on this transistion even though hinting at it here) Hubby didn't really want to do too much, so we just got out to sight see once it cooled a little. We ended the night with a trip to Erma's in Sterling Heights (which EVERYBODY had the same idea we had - let it cool down and then go for ice cream). 🍦

Let's talk about this fit for a second. I think I am going to have to address my weight gain in another post - not because someone pointed anything out, I think more for myself! I wish I would've sized up on this one, even though it doesn't look tight, but trust me, if I had eaten an actual meal, it would have been a BIG problem! It's a beautiful jumpsuit and I love the open back - perfect for a summer's day! Also, styling this made me realize, I have literally NO heeled sandals! WTH Chanda? 😨 So I styled this with some cute pink heels and vintage Sassy Jones jewels and was good to go! sidenote - these wrinkles are KILLING me! 😩

#CanWePeepThisHighlightTho ✨

today's shoot location - Walsh College, Troy, MI


This weeks spotlight is Kim from Champagneista!

I can't get enough of her gorgeous seersucker, bow back dress and her rooftop backdrop is amazing!
I need to find one here in the city!

Thank you for linking up last week!

Now, it's YOUR turn to link up! Come on and share what you've been up to!!
linking up with these beauties this week!