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Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a while! Let me catch you guys up on life because life has thrown me a couple monkey wrenches. Back in July, I decided to convert my blog over to Wordpress. I put a lot of time (and money) into doing so. I am not going to say I didn't like it because WP has a lot of features that Blogger doesn't have. However, I believe that Blogger is the best platform for me. So that's why I decided to re-open this platform. It's much easier and just more user friendly. End of story with that!
My health. AHHHH, it's been a whirlwind! So I am going to try to explain all of this w/o it becoming a memoir of my life! Back in August, I went to the dentist and found out I needed a tooth pulled. Fine! I had to take antibiotics for a week and then the following Thursday, tooth pulled! Life resumed and exactly one week later, I'm half dead! I thought I was battling a bout of food poisoning because I had all of the symptoms and I'd had it before. I told myself I'd wait it out because I know it normally takes about 3 days to recover. Day 4 came. Then day 5. Finally on day 6, I took my kids to their annual checkup, dropped them off at school and then went to the ER.
I was there about 5-6 hrs and the ending diagnosis was Gastritis. I was scripted Pepcid to take for a week I believe and it just wasn't getting any better. By this point, I'd lost 10-15 lbs because of constant "bathroom visits" and not eating. I was totally dehydrated, which of course, made it worse. I didn't follow up with the docs, which is my fault, so back to the ER I go with hubby.
The stomach pains were UNBEARABLE, I couldn't keep any food/water "in" and I was just miserable. So after a stay in the hospital and a CRAP load of tests (some I don't wish to remember), the diagnosis was C-Diff which is a bacterial infection of the colon. There are a couple ways to get it! The antibiotics I took the week before my dentist appointment killed all of the good bacteria out of my stomach which allowed the bad stuff to go wild and pretty much destroy my life for over a month. I am still at this very moment in recover, I am taking pills to kill the bad stuff and I've lost around 20 lbs. Most people would be happy with that, I'm not.
So that's my life for the past few months. This year has not been my healthiest. I started the year off super sick and I'm hoping that this is it! I'm hoping to start back filming videos and shooting ootd posts again in the nest few weeks. I am also considering going back to work (not at the bridal salon). With this sickness, I've accumulated a little bit of debt and it's too close to Christmas for all that, lol!
How's life for you guys?
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