Flats!? I know right. Trust me, I most certainly don't wear heels everyday. Actually, I'm almost ALWAYS in flats, especially in the summer. This is one of the most comfiest outfits I put together. I've been wanting one of these jumpers for quite some time. They've always looked super comfortable and I can say, it's soooo comfortable!
jumper + shirt: lovely wholesale // shoes: footlocker // chain + watch: f21
One thing with this jumper. The sizing. We all know that Lovely Wholesale is an overseas clothing site and that the sizing most of the time is off from the American metric of sizing. Which leads me to my issue with this jumper. I called myself taking my measurements down to a T when ordering this and I thought I would be spot on but I wasn't. I loose on me, which made me have to tighten the straps extra tight, which in turn pulls it up to high around my "lady region"! #UGH