In my head, I am laying on the beach in 75-80 degree weather with a drink in my hand, all because I am SO over this stinking MI weather. It could be WAY worse and I pray for everyone living in the Northeast region (they have been getting pounded this winter), but every year faithfully, I go through the winter blues!
Fellow blogger and fashionista Chante at Everything Curvy and Chic, put it into perspective with THIS post! I go through the same symptoms as she does. Only thing is I knew exactly what it was. I am such a spring and summer baby! When the weather is warm, I am out in it, even if its just for a walk. I enjoy the wind blowing through the trees and smelling the freshly cut grass (even though I am developing seasonal allergies, BOO!).
I am an avid Pinterester, so I scouted through and here are a few of my favorite pins! Feel free to follow me! :)
1. salad
2. more salad
1. nike gear
2. pretty mints
3. fabletics
I just keep telling my self that I can make it! Only about 2.5 more months of possible winter weather
(despite spring starting in about 5 weeks!)!
We can do it guys! What are some of your winter blues pick me ups?