*I don't know why my child can't take regular photos, smh*

I am still trying to get used to filming and shooting while I do her hair.  I promise to get better & more photos next time!  This week's (more like last week.  I did this on 2.8.15 and I'm late with posting) hairstyle is extremely simple going to one side.  I did this on her hair back in the summer for the first time and everyone loved them.

parting - first row
second row - top

These, I will admit, I rushed through because 1.  I needed to get her hair finished because 2. It was WALKING DEAD SUNDAY!!  It's a ritual to have everything (all hair, cooking, cleaning, washing, etc) done by 8 pm to wind down and get ready for  The Walking Dead!  
These were done on freshly washed hair.  Her next "appointment" will be this coming Sunday, 2.22 and I will make sure to get that style up in a timely manner.  It was requested to do a simple ponytail for the sake of learning how to part!  So keep a look out next week for the simple pony style.

I am about to edit this video and I will put it here once it's uploaded!
Any requests, please drop them in the comments!