altuzarra x target: my experience..

I woke up at 6 am, got out of the bed at 6:47 am (it took a minute), got dressed, ate a little, made my tea and was out of the door to one of my favorite places on Earth, Target.  Anyone that knows me knows that I LIVE in that place.  I am there at least 5x/week whether its just picking up a couple groceries or doing major damage to my pocketbook!  I got there at a little before 8 am and was the first person in line, while others remained in their vehicles.  I wanted to be the first to walk through the doors.  Walked in when I heard the doors unlocked and headed straight to the clothing section.

I've been planning for like a month to go, lol
I was extremely disappointed to see their Altuzarro display.  There was nothing there out of the collection that I was remotely interested in other than the booties.  Even though those were on my want list, I didn't plan on getting them today.  I wanted to get the over the knee boots and the black orchid dress with the slit.  They didn't have either.  I had also planning on sharing up to the moment updates on my Instagram page, but I was turned off from taking any photos since everything that they had nothing that peaked my interest.  I didn't want to chase down the items by visiting other Targets.  I felt as if they had a collection dropping, they should at least have a few of MORE pieces instead on a lot of CERTAIN pieces.  
I ended up coming home and ordering online, which I didn't want to do because if I don't like them, then that's another thing that I have to worry about: the return process!
Note to Target's corporation.  Please add more pieces to your collaboration collections for those who don't want to or can't participate in the hunting down of pieces,  I would have loved to try on the pieces for my fashion enjoyment.  Hopefully I will be able to do so tomorrow when I have more time, if there are pieces still left at other stores! :(

What was your experience?  Did you get what you want or did you not give in?
xo, Chanda