HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you wonderful mother's out there. Whether you are in a relationship or doing it on your own, I commend you! Being a mother is one of, if not, the most stressful, rewarding, maniacal, trying, etc jobs out here, so I hope that your day was as blessed as mine!
I was supposed to be in Chicago celebrating with my family, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we weren't able to make it. That doesn't mean that I still didn't enjoy my day. I didn't have to wake up until 9 am (which in my book is DEFINITELY a blessing!), I did not cook one STITCH of food today and I just felt the overall love from everyone that surrounded me today! I could not have asked for a better day!
Tonight's outfit was a gift that I received from hubby on Valentine's Day. He swears that he is "trying to step my dress game up!" I say whatever to that. I think I have fairly decent fashion sense, especially when I am going out somewhere. The photos that you are about to see are after dinner tonight, so my makeup is not on point and the hair is not at all as it was earlier in the day. But I wanted you to share with you apart of a special day!
I wanted to keep things simple with this outfit since the main focus (at least what I wanted to focus on) were the dress and shoes. So I wore no earrings (which is a first for me) and minimal bracelets.
What did you guys do today? Did you just chill at home or were there special plans?
Lata Loves!