Hello Kitty Shades & Contacts ♥ Kitty Eye Contacts

How excited am I right now?  I have some goodies from Kitty Eye Contacts to share with you and I cant contain myself right now.  I am a HUGE fan of Hello Kitty, even though I don't exude it a lot.  I figure I'll be 31 this year, so I will just live vicariously through my daughter in that aspect, lol.  But I couldn't resist this review.  

We all know that Hello Kitty is pretty much legendary!!!  Created and introduced in Japan in 1974 and debuting in the states in 1976, the Japanese bob-tailed cat with her signature red bow has, and will remain a staple in the hearts of true die hard fans (like myself) for many, many years!

She has been remixed in today's post in the form of glasses/shades.  I will be showing you guys 3 very different forms of the very trendy glasses, along with some really pretty contact lenses.  

Let's GO!!!
Hello Kitty Lady Gaga Pink Kitty $14
 Hello Kitty Leopard Series-Snow Leopard $15
Hello Kitty Leopard Series-Blue Leopard $14
Pandora Vanilla Shake lenses in Gray $26
ViVi Eye XL lenses in Brown $23
They offer with the purchase of the glasses a free lens case and cleaning cloth (with each pair).  With the contact lenses, you will receive a free case to store your lenses in and with my Pandora lenses came a free box case that included tongs to help aid in picking the lenses out, which was very much needed.  Also free shipping is standard worldwide.

Let me know how you like these Ladies and Gents!  I am really feeling Kitty Eye Contacts and I think you should head on over and check them out!

Lata Loves!