Sooo, you know who didn't get out this weekend and shoot? #thisgal 🤦🏾♀️ that's okay - this will give me the opportunity to catch you up on some things! I've been moonlighting at my granny's for the last month or so, cleaning out her basement of all of my mother's things (on top of everything else - we will talk about this later, not today y'all), so life has been quite eventful. We did finish the last of it this past Saturday (the big stuff, still have TONS of paperwork to go through), which will hopefully free me up to get life back to some form of normalcy! Until then, I am using this photo dump to show what's been happening in life in 2021!
shein // top, jeans, scarf (head) + shoes:
target // belt + cami:
As you know....come to think of it, you probably don't know - I've worked at my current job for almost 5 years and a little over 4, I've worked in HR, specifically Benefits. We have a business casual dress code - not 100% HR uniform, but not jogging pants and ball caps, which would TOTALLY be my preference. This day, double denim with some rusty accents for the win. Please excuse my bloated tum, Mother Nature knocked on my door just in time for this photo!
I feel like this photo needs to be in this post. This was taken June 22nd, when I was at one of my lowest points. I captioned this "today was rough" because it was. Little did I know, about a month and a half later, I would start to see the light!
The little one plays a few different sports, one if which is volleyball. I've been enjoying her blossom from an amateur a few years ago, to being REALLY good! She amazes me every time she gets on the floor! And I'm that mama who is just getting to know the sport, but will scream every bit through the entire game 😩 she will forgive me one day! I think you already know how I feel about her and homecoming, she's becoming such a beautiful young lady (btw, braces are OFF, #thankyouJesus)!
Last year, I started my journey to gain financial freedom by way of cash envelope stuffing. It was the start of 2020 and a video by Youtuber
Quinn Kalyn popped up in my feed; the rest is history! I was incredibly intrigued - it's like the universe knew exactly what I'd needed at that very moment to help me along in this area. In true Chanda nature, I started stuffing my own envelopes, then created
a new Youtube channel surrounding it. I then became super entranced in creating the vinyl pouches that I use to stuff and opened my own little Etsy store about 2 months ago! Check out
The Nykenjee Collective here - I have some fun things to come!