The last month has been a little hectic! I mentioned my mental exhaustion in PERFECTLY IMPERFECT and that feeling traveled along with me into the following week. I don't know if you guys remember around November of last year in UNCERTAIN THOUGHTS: PT. II, I decided to quit my retail position at a bridal boutique because I needed to find "me".
The last year had been wonderful being at home for the first time since our son was born (he will be 16 at the end of this month), but it's time for me to go back to work. I spoke about a job interview that I had in BACK INTO THE WORK FORCE and guess what? I GOT IT!!! I'm working in a customer service position for a super cool and laid back company!
I am super excited to be working again but my body and mind has to adjust to the difference. For a year, I woke up at 5 am, saw my husband off to work, wake up my son at 6 am and daughter a 7 am and by 8:15 am, I was back up in my apartment working on my own things or running errands. Nh to work right after she gets on the school bus! I get off work at 5 on the days I am scheduled to work and once back home, I'm getting dinner started and helping with homework.
Basketball season for my son is literally right around the corner (starting next week) so this shall be interesting to juggle all of these things on my plate. I know this is just normal wear and tear in a typical household, but coming from being a SAH wife/mom for a year, it's a little hectic. When I was working before, I was able to get everything done beforehand because I always held an evening position. I couldn't do that again and risk missing out on everything that my kids do in the evenings! So 9-5 it is!!
So that's kinda what's been going on with me for the last (almost) month. Now if I can add getting out and shooting outfits regularly in this mix, life would be perfect! :)