Definition of gaudy: ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented or marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness.  
One could say that this outfit could fit this meaning perfectly!  I, on the other hand, am in absolute LOVE with it.  From the 1st moment I laid eyes on it last year, I've wanted it, but it was SOOO expensive and I couldn't bring myself to spend that insane amount for 2 pieces.

shoes, jordan's 4 (old): footlocker
shades: old

So, just like anything else I mention, the hubby tries (and successfully completes) his hand at getting me things that I mention that I LOVE (not like, but love, lol).  This time around, he used Mother's Day as his gateway to buying this.  If you haven't learned already, I dont do typical when it comes to traditional things.  I dont expect gifts on holidays or birthdays, that's just how I was raised.  I have a hard time receiving from people, even if it's my family.  So when I opened up this gift, I was actually quite upset with him because I know how much it was and it wasn't something that I needed!  But then he repackaged it as "this is a gift from Caryss, this is what she wanted you to have..." and I just couldn't be mad anymore - not at baby girl!  He told Cal that since he was grown that he had to buy his own gift, LOL and he did! :)
I didn't want to overdo it with too many accessories with this (I think an entire coral outfit deck out with Champion all over it is enough attention), so I stuck to silver hoops and these oversized glasses, that I for the life of me can't remember where I got them from.  Brought out the vintage 4's to round out this comfy, casual and oh-so over the top fit.  I can't see myself actually wearing this all together (even though I would have no problem doing so) - I'm thinking the hoody alone with some jeans on a cooler day or the sweats with a fitted white tank.

I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend!  1st half of mine was at my cousin's fairytale baby shower and the second half was trying to catch up on EVERYTHING that needed to be done!  Thank God this is the Holiday weekend come up!  What do you have planned?


Come on and share what you've been up to!!
linking up with these beauties this week!