Soooo, this shirt appeals to the 1000's of moods that I go through on a daily basis!  Whether I'm "Drunk In Love" and feeling like "Cigars on ice, cigars on ice...Feeling like an animal with these cameras all in my grill...Flashing lights, flashing lights...You got me faded, faded, faded...Baby, I want you"...Or I'm having one of those moments and the first thing that comes to mind when ol' girl starts trippin is "Nowshe says she gon' do what to who?...Let's find out and see, Cardi B...You know where I'm at...You know where I be" OR if I want to be inspirational and drop them Oprah gems on 'em like Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.  If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”  Either mood, House of Rehab got it right with this one!

top: house of rehab (gotta get the black one) || shorts: old || tights: target || shoes, stassi: shoedazzle

watch and sunglasses: MVMT ("mschanda15" for $15 off your purchase)

I went out and shot this outfit a couple weeks ago and I was NOT happy with the end result! I had a different pair of shorts and fishnets on that I wasn't pleased with, the backdrop that I chose wasn't "hood" enough, my hair wasn't cooperating, just an overall HOT MESS! I'm glad that the weather dried up enough this weekend so that I could get out and reshoot!

It's always a fun time down at The BELT in Detroit! This alley is full of culture in the heart of Downtown. The BELT is located between Broadway and Library Street and links Gratiot and Grand River. "Public Art is the driving force behind the redevelopment of The BELT. The public space is home to murals and installations by local, national and international artists. It is part of a continuous effort to ensure that artists have a space to create and engage with the public in Detroit." taken from The BELT's site. I was born and raised in Detroit, however, I have absolutely NO clue on how to navigate Downtown. I promise you, every time I go, I get lost. EVERY TIME! Goal for Summer 2018 - go downtown every weekend until I know my way around! SMH! #ThankGODForHusbands

I hope that all you Mama's enjoyed your Mother's Day!  
Come on over and link up!  I would love to see what you guys are up to!
linking up with these beauties this week!