Happy Monday everyone!  I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!  Like always, it went by entirely too fast! Nonetheless, I had a good one!  Half of my Saturday was spent with my hubby in Detroit scouting out a place for me to start filming some of my YouTube videos and shoe shopping at the Nike store!  The other half was catching up on literally any and everything before the kids go back to school from break and the new week starts.

pants: romwe || top: h+m ($5 in store!) || shoes (old): justfab

So the funny thing about these shots is that almost every single one of them are the same.  Head down, arm up! 😂 I am finally learning my comfort poses when I am in an uncomfortable situation with shooting.  My son and I were in Birmingham doing these and believe or not, there was SO much traffic and so many people out walking.  I have this thing where I don't really like to bring too much attention to myself (even though I'm a blogger smh), so you can imagine my nerves with so many people looking at me out here in bright pink and green shooting these photos! 😩

A little review on these pants: these come from Romwe and this happens to be the first time I've ordered with them.  I ordered a couple pair of pants and a shirt.  I made sure to read the reviews on each piece for sizing and material and for the most part, everything was fine.  I actually really like these pants, they fit perfectly and are long enough for heels (thank God) but there are 2 little gripes that I have about them.  I don't know if it was intentional, but one of the front seams is a flat seam where the other one is what I like to call a "3D" seam.  I really don't mind them being different, but I really don't remember them looking like this on the site (and of course they sold out, so I can't go back to look).  The other thing is that on that 3D seam on my upper thigh, the thread is a little wonky.  That's it, other than this, I love them! 

 Come on in and link up with me!  I would love to see what you've worn or done over the past week!
linking up with these beauties this week!