"Can I, can I...save you from you?..." This song immediately popped into my head when I chose the header photo for this post. Why? Haven't a clue! Probably a subliminal message to myself telling me "Hey! Chanda! What the HELL are you doing wearing a cropped top?!" Maybe, I dunno! LOL. Anyways, another pop of the color Olive that you guys heard me raving about in my previous post. You guys will probably end up getting tired of it soon, but I just can't help myself! So in LOVE!

lips: ruby woo by MAC
When I was looking at this jacket, I originally thought it was going to fit me funny. Let's be honest. When I see something online, I immediately go into compare mode with whoever it is that advertising the item. Most of the models aren't as curvy as I, so I have to try and picture how it would look on me, so I immediately went into that frame of mind! The girl wearing it on their site looks total amazeballs in it, which made me doubt myself. Then I got it and I'm like #YASSSSSS [insert as many S's here as possible]! Extremely happy with it!
Can we talk about these boots for a minute tho? These are named Chanice from JustFab and they are my latest babies to enter the collection (don't know if I wanna do a new shoe post for them, let me know if you wanna see one) and I couldn't be happier with them. I am noticing that I have been gravitating more towards flats. These are a new take on a classic work boot, especially with the red laces. They do come with a pair of brown laces, can be folded down to expose the fluffy inside and come in a couple other colors. I think I will do a new shoe post for them just to show them in action. I added a couple oldies, but goodies with this bag (featured here also with olive lol) and my fave cut jeans from JustFab (another look at them here) and this one's in the books ladies and gentlemen!
"I've been gone for too long, think it's time bring it back!" I am in FULL song mode today but these are my feeling when I say that I've missed sharing my link up!! Go ahead, you know you want too! :) Happy Monday Loves ♥ Let's all have wonderful, productive week!
Let's Make Today FABULOUS linkup party is
every Monday at 3 am EST!
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As always, keep it FABULOUS + HAVE FUN! ♥