How ironic of me to wear a shirt that dons "shoe addict" and rock flats with it? Trust me, I tried every variation of heel that I thought would work for this and I didn't like one of them! But let's be honest, I don't wear heels every day! Not even on a regular basis anymore (unfortunately). I work in a very casual environment and I am not a fan of heels and Winter at all! Luckily our weather is breaking, which is bringing out tons of outfit inspo and my gorgeous babies (shoes)!
This key chain that I've been using as a purse tassel is my FAVORITE accessory that I own right now! It was introduced in Incomplete, but I'm sure you will get tired of seeing it, that's how much I'm going to wear it out! And can't forget these awesome lace up flats named Missty that I scored as a part of Justfab's 6th anniversary sale a couple weeks ago! They are super comfortable and I just smile every time I look at them because they were only $14.98!! *insert cheese face emoji here*
I'm going to be starting a blog link-up every Monday called Let's Make Today FABULOUSstarting on April 4th! My first theme will be Overalls! I am super excited and I hope to see you guys there! Make sure you're following Birth of a Fashion Blogger to catch the reminders! If you are interested in co-hosting, email me at!
COMING 4.4.16

i do declaire || elegantly dressed and stylish || garay treasures
cappuccino and fashion || pumps and pushups || classy yet trendy || sydney fashion hunter
cappuccino and fashion || pumps and pushups || classy yet trendy || sydney fashion hunter
the pleated poppy || jersey girl, texan heart || the mummy chronicles
the red closet diary + twenties girl style || stylin' in st. louis || mix and match fashion
style elixir || momfessionals || lizzie in lace || elegantly fashionable || two thirty five designs
claire justine oxox || a pocketful of polka dots || posh classy mom || style diary with osy
birdie shoots
the red closet diary + twenties girl style || stylin' in st. louis || mix and match fashion
style elixir || momfessionals || lizzie in lace || elegantly fashionable || two thirty five designs
claire justine oxox || a pocketful of polka dots || posh classy mom || style diary with osy
birdie shoots