I believe that my husband had an ulterior motive when he purchased this dress for me. It's SUPER sexy and while I own many like it, I probably wouldn't have picked this up. For me, it's all about length since my legs are so long. He knows this! He just wanted this to work in his favor *wink*! Nonetheless, I really do love this peacock blue frock mainly because it celebrates all of my lines and curves (even though this mommy pouch is down for the long haul *lesigh*)!
JustFab dropped these FABULOUS shoes (I ended up getting the nude pair also) called Magdalena and when I saw them, I knew they were mine. No second thought, NOTHING but MINE! They make my heart skip a beat and I smile every time I see them. Anyone else do that? Is it just me? lol The day I shot these, it was unseasonably warm for February, so I decided to wash and straighten my hair and ended up looking poodle like afterward from the humidity in the air. I'm glad I could get these shots off before the fro appeared.

linking up with
beauty by miss l
life of meg
style elixir
i do declaire
elegantly dressed and stylish
two peas in a blog
the fashion canvas + walking in memphis in high heels
pumps and pushups
life of meg
style elixir
i do declaire
elegantly dressed and stylish
two peas in a blog
the fashion canvas + walking in memphis in high heels
pumps and pushups