You know how you see women out and about running errands in their workout clothing? I used to be one of those people that DESPISED that until I started working out and almost have the same amount of workout gear as regular clothing! What's funny is the evolution of "the workout wardrobe" and how it's been revamped to wear in social situations without anyone knowing.
This fabulous mesh top is actually a workout shirt from Fabletics!! I own quite a bit from this company and I must say, their clothing is beating out the competition thus far! My issue with most that I buy are with the pants and how they don't offer different inseam lengths (story of my life!). Fabletics offers different inseams for some of their pants. And the fact that the pieces are so freaking stylish helps out a lot.
top: fabletics // earrings: body central // jeans, clutch + shoes: justfab // bracelet: f21 // shades: ebay
This top is EVERYTHING! I originally was drawn to the perforated design, which is quite popular right now, but when my order came in and I tried it on, I instantly fell in love! The fit is amazing, the quality of the materials used is impeccable! Just the attention to detail itself is awesome! I immediately thought to myself that I have to get another one of these just for social wear! I honestly can't believe this is a workout top! I did pair it with my Samana sports bra from Fabletics because of the cut of the top. It's low on the sides and no form of bra (that I own at least) will work w/o it showing.
How do you feel about the new trend of workout gear? Or do you even care? If Fabletics keeps on pushing out such fabulousness, I may not ever have to shop anywhere else again! :) If you are in the market for new workout gear, check out Fabletics! For new members, you can get your first outfit 50% off! Happy Shopping!