best body shaper EVER!

So as we all know, there come times in our lives where we start and stop things.
I started working out hardcore last year and then stopped with the thought that I was complete!
Silly me!

All of the work I had done, down the drain and now I need a little help with smoothing things!
That is where this beauty comes in at.  I have a shaper from Shape Citi and I am in LOVE with it!

here are some before and after photos

a dress with a pattern will most def show all imperfections! 

This is by all means NOT a permanent solution to my problem areas!  I plan in working HARD to get back to where I was last year.  But this aids until I reach my fitness goals. 
I will be updating you in a couple months on my progress.
I won't spam you too much with food posts or my workout regimen on a daily basis.  
But know that I am working it out! #teambeachbody
xo, Chanda