if you could only keep 5 pair...

photos by me
I was tagged by the lovely Crystal from The Pretty Kitty Blog to share 5 shoes out of my collection to keep.
First off, I could NEVER only pick 5 out of my collection.  There are so many that are my favorites (that's why I have them).  
So I decided to share a fav out of each category that I own.  There are a few other categories, but, of course, only 5.

Let's get started!

From my heels collection, I chose Joss from JustFab!
When I first laid eyes on these, I fainted (and then came back to life right after to order them).  
I remember the feeling (I get it WAY too often as you know, lol)
I was scrolling through and BAM!  There they were!  Calling me!

From my platforms collection, I chose Cher from JustFab!
I am in so much love with these as you can tell by the wear marks on them.  These are my absolute favorite black platforms to turn to.  6" of pure deliciousness!  They are so comfortable and stylish at the same time!

From my booties collection, I chose Montreal from JustFab!
I almost missed out on these and if it wasn't for one of my Facebook shoe buddies, I probably would have.  I had these wishlisted but kept forgetting to hit that "ORDER" button.  I went to the fanpage and saw her photo and said "Let me go order these!"  
The very next day, they were SOLD OUT!  
Thank God for FB shoe buddies!

From my casual boots collection, I chose Gemini from JustFab!
I wanted boots like this last fall, but couldn't find the right pair.  When I saw Gemini, I didn't hesitate!  I did end up waiting a little too long, however, because they were sold out in black, which was the original color I wanted. :( Oh well, at least I got these!  
I also like the fact that they are versatile.  I can wear them 3 different ways.

Last, but certainly not least, from my tall boots collection, I chose Janet from ShoeDazzle!
If these aren't a tall drink of water, then I don't know what is!  So sexy and a statement maker all at the same time!  It was love at first site!

It was hard choosing just 5 because I love all my shoes just the same.  And I don't know if you notice a trend, but most of them seem to be in black, which is actually my LEAST favorite color for shoes (I don't know why, I just like color)

Let me know which is your favorite and if you would like to join in on this tag, feel free!  I tag EVERYONE!
Choose wisely! :)