blog collabo: breast cancer awareness

Hey everyone!  
Today's blog party hosts are including Nikki from It's Nikki's World, Airie from Fashion To Live and Bella from Marieesbella 
and our theme is Breast Cancer Awareness!
(click on the ladies to be directed to their blogs!)
It's totally fitting for the month of October.  
Not only do we have the opportunity (and excuse) to wear pink everyday, it also marks an occasion that should take place everyday of the year for women (and men), taking care of yourself.  
Monitoring your body and taking the initiative to keep yourself healthy!  
I enjoyed these and I hope that you guys do too!  

Please check out their blogs and show them some love!

pants (tuxedo stripes)+ shoes (aurora) + bag (icon):: justfab
jacket + chain::forever xxi
It's so cold in my area that I had to do indoor shots (which if I don't have to do, I won't).  i would rather be out in the element of natural light and beauty, but the weather has changed drastically in MI that I thought twice and indoors won!

How is the weather in your neck of the woods?